sound and energy (1999)

11 interactive Works on sound. Some of them are very simple, others more complex, but all are very Inter-related. All this pieces conforms an investigation of relations between sound and space, dynamics, energy and interactivite. They are classified in 5 categories -every píece could have more than one categorie asociated-: - binaural: sounds in space; each sound intensitie is in relation with his distance to each hear. - synthesis: uses wave synthesis technics to generate dynamics in space. - physical model: mechanical models (gravity, elastics, bounding, friction...). - random: uses stochastic models to generate dynamics and sound.

All this works requires stereo sound for listening, and some of them requires microphone.

Full Description

11 interactive Works on sound. Some of them are very simple, others more complex, but all are very Inter-related. All this pieces conforms an investigation of relations between sound and space, dynamics, energy and interactivite. They are classified in 5 categories -every píece could have more than one categorie asociated-: - binaural: sounds in space; each sound intensitie is in relation with his distance to each hear. - synthesis: uses wave synthesis technics to generate dynamics in space. - physical model: mechanical models (gravity, elastics, bounding, friction...). - random: uses stochastic models to generate dynamics and sound.

All this works requires stereo sound for listening, and some of them requires microphone.

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11 interactive Works on sound. Some of them are very simple, others more complex, but all are very Inter-related. All this pieces conforms an investigation of relations between sound and space, dynamics, energy and interactivite. They are classified in 5 categories -every píece could have more than one categorie asociated-: - binaural: sounds in space; each sound intensitie is in relation with his distance to each hear. - synthesis: uses wave synthesis technics to generate dynamics in space. - physical model: mechanical models (gravity, elastics, bounding, friction...). - random: uses stochastic models to generate dynamics and sound.

All this works requires stereo sound for listening, and some of them requires microphone.

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