network - network (2002)

The purpose of this project is to question the relationship between localization and globalisation.

A global area network, that of technologies of telecommunication and monitoring implies a point of view external vis-a-vis with the events, it is a testimony or at best an anticipation. It is a question of seeing and the eye presupposes an exteriority, a glance comes from outside and goes towards the interior.

A local area network is a ground moving, malleable, in perpetual transfer, it is a grid which is defined interior and goes towards outside, it models also what surrounds it. One handles surfaces and the hand is itself a surface, an engine which implies a direct catch on reality, it exteriorizes the methods of its action.

Network_Network proposes to study this relation between the global area network and the local area network, the vision and the surface, the interior and the outside, two types ...

Full Description

The purpose of this project is to question the relationship between localization and globalisation.

A global area network, that of technologies of telecommunication and monitoring implies a point of view external vis-a-vis with the events, it is a testimony or at best an anticipation. It is a question of seeing and the eye presupposes an exteriority, a glance comes from outside and goes towards the interior.

A local area network is a ground moving, malleable, in perpetual transfer, it is a grid which is defined interior and goes towards outside, it models also what surrounds it. One handles surfaces and the hand is itself a surface, an engine which implies a direct catch on reality, it exteriorizes the methods of its action.

Network_Network proposes to study this relation between the global area network and the local area network, the vision and the surface, the interior and the outside, two types of networks which overlap and cohabit. Which are the fundamental differences between a total network and a local area network ?

How the events are marked by these divergences and which are the marks ? It is also a joining, a composition of elements, fragments which meet here and whose whole is sufficiently minimalist for questionning the stake of the network.

A song tells a city. A moving ground swivels on a fixed axis. Signals, a coded language, a line of sound frequencies. This project is an attempt, an experimentation around the event marking our input in the 21st century.

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