Altar (2001)

The altar is a series of three-dimensional objects presented in virtual space, created by plotting points on (x,y,z) axes. The points are gathered by collecting the byte count of the front pages of 27 major meta-data sites on the internet. Mediation (search engines), reference, commerce, news, and design sites incorporate into the dynamic representation of the overarching metadata structure of the internet as experienced through illusory sculpturalism.

Altar is part of the series 'formal foundations of art in the network', an attempt by the artist to develop a conceptual framework for making art in the net.

Full Description

The altar is a series of three-dimensional objects presented in virtual space, created by plotting points on (x,y,z) axes. The points are gathered by collecting the byte count of the front pages of 27 major meta-data sites on the internet. Mediation (search engines), reference, commerce, news, and design sites incorporate into the dynamic representation of the overarching metadata structure of the internet as experienced through illusory sculpturalism.

Altar is part of the series 'formal foundations of art in the network', an attempt by the artist to develop a conceptual framework for making art in the net.

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Artist Statement

The altar is a series of three-dimensional objects presented in virtual space, created by plotting points on (x,y,z) axes. The points are gathered by collecting the byte count of the front pages of 27 major meta-data sites on the internet. Mediation (search engines), reference, commerce, news, and design sites incorporate into the dynamic representation of the overarching metadata structure of the internet as experienced through illusory sculpturalism.

altar is part of the series 'formal foundations of art in the network', an attempt by the artist to develop a conceptual framework for making art in the net.

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