ASMP (2002)

by Eidolon

Adaptive Systems Machinic Phylum is a dynamic, generative HTML structure, that takes as its' input clicks registered from users home computers and dynamically updates the HTML code to step through an iteration of its own evolution. Combining a relevant (global) interactivity with principles of large-scale data collection and network evolution, Adaptive Systems Machinic Phylum is an answer to the problem of permanance of interactivity in the network. The end users of ASMP change the work itself, forever. There is no backup. ASMP is based on the crawler, byteGrabber 3.0, used in Abstracting the Internet, modified to grab images only from random internet sites. These images are placed by the evolution algorithm to create the pseudo-meaningful found grid. The viewer is embued with the power to change the work forever. This is a directed re-writing of the artist/viewer contract. At each click of the viewer's (participant's) mouse, the modified byteGrabber program ...

Full Description

Adaptive Systems Machinic Phylum is a dynamic, generative HTML structure, that takes as its' input clicks registered from users home computers and dynamically updates the HTML code to step through an iteration of its own evolution. Combining a relevant (global) interactivity with principles of large-scale data collection and network evolution, Adaptive Systems Machinic Phylum is an answer to the problem of permanance of interactivity in the network. The end users of ASMP change the work itself, forever. There is no backup. ASMP is based on the crawler, byteGrabber 3.0, used in Abstracting the Internet, modified to grab images only from random internet sites. These images are placed by the evolution algorithm to create the pseudo-meaningful found grid. The viewer is embued with the power to change the work forever. This is a directed re-writing of the artist/viewer contract. At each click of the viewer's (participant's) mouse, the modified byteGrabber program is called and returns an image randomly selected from the internet. This image is placed purposefully on the grid, and the html is updated.

asmp is part of the series 'formal foundations of art in the network', an attempt by the artist to develop a conceptual framework for making art in the net.

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