Number Plate Initials (2003)

For almost a year Ford photographed every car number plate he saw containing the letters JF or JRF. Ford always thought that seeing his initials on number plates was good luck (because it is a rare sight/occurrence, like a bird crapping on your head). Photographing these cars/number plates was a way of capturing these transitory good luck moments. This project revolves around good luck/chance happenings, and the final outcome is as much about the process of chance and walking around hoping to see them, as it is about the actual photos/interactive web page.

Full Description

For almost a year Ford photographed every car number plate he saw containing the letters JF or JRF. Ford always thought that seeing his initials on number plates was good luck (because it is a rare sight/occurrence, like a bird crapping on your head). Photographing these cars/number plates was a way of capturing these transitory good luck moments. This project revolves around good luck/chance happenings, and the final outcome is as much about the process of chance and walking around hoping to see them, as it is about the actual photos/interactive web page.

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