scenARIo (2002)

Realized in the Workshop of interactives research at ENSAD, ScenARIo is an experiment of explosion of the cinema towards Internet. Twelve people, the members of this workshop, propose nine significant films. Each one of these films then will be analyzed, cut out and dismounted. To regard the cinema as material. Images, sounds, scripts, programs ; models with which it is possible to compose. To have a musical approach of the cinema, to organize the medias like notes or frequencies. Not to build a scenario but just to allow a crossing of the scenarios. Layers, effects, impulses, cut & paste, processes, programmings, logics technical, memories, return of already-considering, of already-heard,the film memories.

Full Description

Realized in the Workshop of interactives research at ENSAD, ScenARIo is an experiment of explosion of the cinema towards Internet. Twelve people, the members of this workshop, propose nine significant films. Each one of these films then will be analyzed, cut out and dismounted. To regard the cinema as material. Images, sounds, scripts, programs ; models with which it is possible to compose. To have a musical approach of the cinema, to organize the medias like notes or frequencies. Not to build a scenario but just to allow a crossing of the scenarios. Layers, effects, impulses, cut & paste, processes, programmings, logics technical, memories, return of already-considering, of already-heard,the film memories.

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