Neverendingstories (2002)

NeverEndingStories is structured as a looped animation leading us deeper and deeper in the euphoria of communication. The animation begins with a Mickey Mouse head whose ears alternately can be changed (by pressing the computer keys) from spheres to globes, hearts, money signs, atom cells, record players and yin yang symbols. Culled from an encyclopedic array of globally recognizable symbols NeverEndingStories continues by displaying a world map on which rain a shower of angels, bombs, guns, ears, candy, eagles, shopping carts, clocks, machine wheels, bugs, ringing telephones, ticking clocks, waggling fingers, pigs, skulls with heart shaped eyes, analysis charts and more. These pervasive symbols are of the everyday and everywhere and are inscribed in our psyche through promotional/advertising communications strategies.

The work allows for both directional and optional interaction, making it a dynamic tool comparable to a software application. The keyboard-driven trajectory allows one to replace scenes and choose ...

Full Description

NeverEndingStories is structured as a looped animation leading us deeper and deeper in the euphoria of communication. The animation begins with a Mickey Mouse head whose ears alternately can be changed (by pressing the computer keys) from spheres to globes, hearts, money signs, atom cells, record players and yin yang symbols. Culled from an encyclopedic array of globally recognizable symbols NeverEndingStories continues by displaying a world map on which rain a shower of angels, bombs, guns, ears, candy, eagles, shopping carts, clocks, machine wheels, bugs, ringing telephones, ticking clocks, waggling fingers, pigs, skulls with heart shaped eyes, analysis charts and more. These pervasive symbols are of the everyday and everywhere and are inscribed in our psyche through promotional/advertising communications strategies.

The work allows for both directional and optional interaction, making it a dynamic tool comparable to a software application. The keyboard-driven trajectory allows one to replace scenes and choose one fragment after another, resulting in a linear deployment of interlinked events that develop semantic connections as well. The interactive keyboard provides for a choice of ingredients, an extensive vocabulary from which it is possible to produce many combinations. Consulting the work resembles "mixing", the computer becoming a kind of musical instrument or assembly device, putting the visitor in the position of a "processor," the operator of a machine. Val

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