Art_Worm (2005)

THE CONCEPT Every computer has a memory inside. What we call memory for a computer is still far from what we mean by memory for a human being. We can start from images and impressions to create a feeling of what we have lived; we can give a sense to our memories, creating something new. AI.KU represents that process operated by a computer, starting from its data to the creation of a new emotion.

HAIKU GENERATOR The traditional Haiku structure is a sort of compromise between a subject and the object described inside the poem; a poet has to free himself from inner feelings and emotions, and become a sort of medium for words and images. The generator acts in the same way: it receives words and images from the outside and gives them a shape, using a random criteria. Everytime, it generates from data a new sequence of images ...

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THE CONCEPT Every computer has a memory inside. What we call memory for a computer is still far from what we mean by memory for a human being. We can start from images and impressions to create a feeling of what we have lived; we can give a sense to our memories, creating something new. AI.KU represents that process operated by a computer, starting from its data to the creation of a new emotion.

HAIKU GENERATOR The traditional Haiku structure is a sort of compromise between a subject and the object described inside the poem; a poet has to free himself from inner feelings and emotions, and become a sort of medium for words and images. The generator acts in the same way: it receives words and images from the outside and gives them a shape, using a random criteria. Everytime, it generates from data a new sequence of images and words, describing the mamory of a far japanese shrine.

THE DEVICE AI.KU shows the possibility of computer memory as a generative force; in this art-work the machine is not just an object: in its physical configuration is already hidden for its creative potential. Dismantling the portable computer, we underline how its memory is something physical as a result its woring can be something surprising.

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