Possessed (2001)

Possessed is a web based project exploring our relationship with unexplained digital phenomenon.

Step 1: download a spook generator to create a digital spook.

Step 2: follow the instructions in about spook generator to create your spook.

Step 3: revisit the site to download an appropriate spook player for your digital spook.

Step 4: follow the instructions in about spook player to initiate your spook online.

Over the first few weeks your spook will gradually grow and develop until it begins to ask questions. The way you respond to your spook's questions will effect the development of your spook, it may become more aggressive or even develop psychic skills. Some spooks even begin to play retro computer games constructed out of your system components or just play tricks on you. Some spooks may scan your hard drive developing in response to files found. Some spooks leave notes or letter to ...

Full Description

Possessed is a web based project exploring our relationship with unexplained digital phenomenon.

Step 1: download a spook generator to create a digital spook.

Step 2: follow the instructions in about spook generator to create your spook.

Step 3: revisit the site to download an appropriate spook player for your digital spook.

Step 4: follow the instructions in about spook player to initiate your spook online.

Over the first few weeks your spook will gradually grow and develop until it begins to ask questions. The way you respond to your spook's questions will effect the development of your spook, it may become more aggressive or even develop psychic skills. Some spooks even begin to play retro computer games constructed out of your system components or just play tricks on you. Some spooks may scan your hard drive developing in response to files found. Some spooks leave notes or letter to you in the possessed folder.

Some spooks may be searching for a file and hint or ask you to help them find it. Occasionally, a code file may appear in the possessed folder, this may be the file your spook is searching for or it may be a file that someone elses spook is searching for. If your spook asks you to find a file, it is possible that another spook player user may have this file in their possessd folder.

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