Artconcepts (2004)

Artconcepts is an interactive flash application utilizing a discussion of four conceptual artists as it's material. "Art without Space"-symposium was moderated by Seth Sieglaub with artists Lawrence Weiner, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler and Joseph Kosuth in 1969. I divided the discussion to less than four word pieces from which the program chooses randomly content to the moving boxes on the screen. User of the program can change the words in the box or control the program with some other ways. Most of the time "artconcepts" creates relatively abstract or nonsense sentences, but sometimes it seems to be capable of making interesting artistic or another kind of statements. Anyway, it gives some kind of idea of the language used by 60's conceptual artists. They were interested in language, this program is interested in their's language.

Full Description

Artconcepts is an interactive flash application utilizing a discussion of four conceptual artists as it's material. "Art without Space"-symposium was moderated by Seth Sieglaub with artists Lawrence Weiner, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler and Joseph Kosuth in 1969. I divided the discussion to less than four word pieces from which the program chooses randomly content to the moving boxes on the screen. User of the program can change the words in the box or control the program with some other ways. Most of the time "artconcepts" creates relatively abstract or nonsense sentences, but sometimes it seems to be capable of making interesting artistic or another kind of statements. Anyway, it gives some kind of idea of the language used by 60's conceptual artists. They were interested in language, this program is interested in their's language.

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