I see shadows (2004)

Iseeshadows.com captures shadows, the fleeting moment of lights' interplay with objects in the world. The photographs are captured and uploaded to the server, they are to be updated often, with new images monthly. The point of tension is I am recording fleeting moments digitally, which itself is a ephemeral medium.

As a new immigrant to Australia it also represents my feelings of seperation from society and a distance from people. I only see shadows of people until I form stronger bonds and I start to see beyond the shadows.

Full Description

Iseeshadows.com captures shadows, the fleeting moment of lights' interplay with objects in the world. The photographs are captured and uploaded to the server, they are to be updated often, with new images monthly. The point of tension is I am recording fleeting moments digitally, which itself is a ephemeral medium.

As a new immigrant to Australia it also represents my feelings of seperation from society and a distance from people. I only see shadows of people until I form stronger bonds and I start to see beyond the shadows.

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