sibling revelry (2001)

type in one or more search terms and the sibling revelry search engine will look far and wide for related sounds. as they are retrieved, they will be loaded into your instrument one by one. be patient, as it may take a few minutes to find the first sounds. using your mouse, or keys a, s, d, f and g, play back the sounds that arrive to create your own unique internet sound collage. when the instrument is fully loaded, the old sounds will be written over as new ones arrive. if you do not find any sounds, which will happen from time to time, go back and try another search. please note: at this time, sibling revelry requires a high bandwidth connection such as a cable modem, dsl line, or faster. we cannot guarantee that this instrument will work properly with slower (56kbit or less) connections.

Full Description

type in one or more search terms and the sibling revelry search engine will look far and wide for related sounds. as they are retrieved, they will be loaded into your instrument one by one. be patient, as it may take a few minutes to find the first sounds. using your mouse, or keys a, s, d, f and g, play back the sounds that arrive to create your own unique internet sound collage. when the instrument is fully loaded, the old sounds will be written over as new ones arrive. if you do not find any sounds, which will happen from time to time, go back and try another search. please note: at this time, sibling revelry requires a high bandwidth connection such as a cable modem, dsl line, or faster. we cannot guarantee that this instrument will work properly with slower (56kbit or less) connections.

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