swound (2001)

Swound was made in the net art tradition of works like Jodi and Superbad. Molyneux's question intros the piece--the first screen has three blind (black on black), abstract shaped buttons that link to other like screens, each new screen triggers a new soundscape. Compression, appropriation, pop vs. avant-garde, memory, and the five senses are underlying themes. As of today the piece has about 40 screens and 120 links.

Full Description

Swound was made in the net art tradition of works like Jodi and Superbad. Molyneux's question intros the piece--the first screen has three blind (black on black), abstract shaped buttons that link to other like screens, each new screen triggers a new soundscape. Compression, appropriation, pop vs. avant-garde, memory, and the five senses are underlying themes. As of today the piece has about 40 screens and 120 links.

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