Winter3space4 (1999)

by igloo

The English duo Igloo develops interfaces between body and screen, walls of snow animated with a subtle softness...' Le Monde

Winterspace functions as both a large scale audio visual gallery installation and as a performance. Large screens carry images of computer generated snow which reacts to the presence of viewers, flurrying in response to their movement and falling in lesser or greater density depending on the speed at which they move through the work. The 45 minute performance depends on combining choreography with highly specialised optical and digital effects as the snow transforms itself into starlight. The aim is to take the audience on a subtle journey through arctic and stellar landscapes where dancers appear and disappear amongst the snow flakes and stars in a seamless transition between real performance and virtual environment. Winterspace can be shown independently as an installation or with accompanying performance and continues to evolve ...

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The English duo Igloo develops interfaces between body and screen, walls of snow animated with a subtle softness...' Le Monde

Winterspace functions as both a large scale audio visual gallery installation and as a performance. Large screens carry images of computer generated snow which reacts to the presence of viewers, flurrying in response to their movement and falling in lesser or greater density depending on the speed at which they move through the work. The 45 minute performance depends on combining choreography with highly specialised optical and digital effects as the snow transforms itself into starlight. The aim is to take the audience on a subtle journey through arctic and stellar landscapes where dancers appear and disappear amongst the snow flakes and stars in a seamless transition between real performance and virtual environment. Winterspace can be shown independently as an installation or with accompanying performance and continues to evolve as new elements of sound, image and movement are introduced to the work. The piece features a specially commissioned soundtracks for each event.

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