berliner taxi (2004)

Berliner Taxi is an interactive space-developpement of a video shot with a Canon Ixus camera while leaving Berlin by cab after the 2004 ICHIM conference. It's intended as an echo to early chronophotography works, such as Jules-Etienne Marey's or Muybridge's. It offers the possibility to experience video in the discontinuity of time and the continuity of space. The user has control over the piece via a minimalistic white square that allows for the deconstruction and reconstruction of the video. This piece is also meant to install a playful relationship between the user/viewer and the scenery shot in the video.

Full Description

Berliner Taxi is an interactive space-developpement of a video shot with a Canon Ixus camera while leaving Berlin by cab after the 2004 ICHIM conference. It's intended as an echo to early chronophotography works, such as Jules-Etienne Marey's or Muybridge's. It offers the possibility to experience video in the discontinuity of time and the continuity of space. The user has control over the piece via a minimalistic white square that allows for the deconstruction and reconstruction of the video. This piece is also meant to install a playful relationship between the user/viewer and the scenery shot in the video.

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