Brakelights (2004)

The ‘Brakelights’ project is a real-time computer system that reads changing color information in the environment, analyzes it, and selects elements from a visual database…a cinema making machine. In the demonstration example of this film, the levels of red brakelights on a Los Angeles freeway are matched to five emotions—anger, irritation, indecision, hope, and love. As the computer randomly pulls dialogue lines from the appropriate group depending on the brightness, the environment directs the film.

Full Description

The ‘Brakelights’ project is a real-time computer system that reads changing color information in the environment, analyzes it, and selects elements from a visual database…a cinema making machine. In the demonstration example of this film, the levels of red brakelights on a Los Angeles freeway are matched to five emotions—anger, irritation, indecision, hope, and love. As the computer randomly pulls dialogue lines from the appropriate group depending on the brightness, the environment directs the film.

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