E.rase ()

E.RASE is a project about how race and ethnicity are represented through the lens of online marketing. Do bodies and data have an effect on each other? Is difference erased when it becomes data or can it still somehow rupture through?

Online consumer behavior of various ethnic markets was tracked over a 6-week period. Bodies were mapped by assigning numerical values from the consumer data to various points on a body. Over time, the bodies were animated using 3D modeling software. They formed and deformed according to the fluctuations in the statistical data.

Full Description

E.RASE is a project about how race and ethnicity are represented through the lens of online marketing. Do bodies and data have an effect on each other? Is difference erased when it becomes data or can it still somehow rupture through?

Online consumer behavior of various ethnic markets was tracked over a 6-week period. Bodies were mapped by assigning numerical values from the consumer data to various points on a body. Over time, the bodies were animated using 3D modeling software. They formed and deformed according to the fluctuations in the statistical data.

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