Life Support (2003)

Life Support explores the subjective experience of space. It looks at the way in which medical environments affect behavior, perception and perhaps healing. Life Support draws upon depictions of medical spaces in advertising, popular culture and film and their reintegration into this vocabulary of space. It creates a series of ‘rooms’ based on archetypal hospital spaces: a corridor, waiting room, patient room and treatment room. Each of these locations is associated thematically with a particular psychological state/adaptation response, and explored in moving images paired with short fictions and architectural commentary. The architectural constructs of Life Support are hybrids of 2D and 3D space in which the 3D spatial construct —a wireframe of a room —functions as a scrim for the projection of multiple images and as a container for the layering of audio elements. Movement through space and narrative movement are linked, as in a walking meditation. Life Support layers ...

Full Description

Life Support explores the subjective experience of space. It looks at the way in which medical environments affect behavior, perception and perhaps healing. Life Support draws upon depictions of medical spaces in advertising, popular culture and film and their reintegration into this vocabulary of space. It creates a series of ‘rooms’ based on archetypal hospital spaces: a corridor, waiting room, patient room and treatment room. Each of these locations is associated thematically with a particular psychological state/adaptation response, and explored in moving images paired with short fictions and architectural commentary. The architectural constructs of Life Support are hybrids of 2D and 3D space in which the 3D spatial construct —a wireframe of a room —functions as a scrim for the projection of multiple images and as a container for the layering of audio elements. Movement through space and narrative movement are linked, as in a walking meditation. Life Support layers multiple images, moving images, on-screen text and audio. Flash was chosen as a media integration tool for the projects’ extensive audio and animation. Actionscript functions as a content management tool, loading and unloading the content fragments as needed.

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