lead (2002)

lead is a piece written with only conceptual aesthetic in mind. It started as the same algorithm used now, except only one seed word "love": http://www.aproximation.org/application/apps/lead/love.php I then released the app to use any possable seed in /usr/share/dict/words. Should the algrohythm fail on the first seed, another is chosen. Failure there results in a third seed chosen. After that the app gives up and displays its contents. Operation is as follows: Click the link and wait for the page to load. There is no interaction aside of you reading and ollowing the algorithm trough the problemspace, and picking up on little strings of meaning: and autogenerated narrative.

Full Description

lead is a piece written with only conceptual aesthetic in mind. It started as the same algorithm used now, except only one seed word "love": http://www.aproximation.org/application/apps/lead/love.php I then released the app to use any possable seed in /usr/share/dict/words. Should the algrohythm fail on the first seed, another is chosen. Failure there results in a third seed chosen. After that the app gives up and displays its contents. Operation is as follows: Click the link and wait for the page to load. There is no interaction aside of you reading and ollowing the algorithm trough the problemspace, and picking up on little strings of meaning: and autogenerated narrative.

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