noware search engine (2001)

Noware is a search engine that gives users pictorial compositions as opposed to links to other sites as a way of stimulating the imagination.

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search engines are popular tools that match keywords typed in by the user with websites containing those keywords. this is a purely mechanical process which leaves little room for surprise. furthermore, search engines are now dominated by commercial interests; website owners pay search engines to appear top on user's search results lists.

noware is a search engine that gives users pictorial compositions as opposed to links to other sites as a way of stimulating the imagination. it is expected that users will establish relations between the words they type and the images they receive, thus displacing the focus on utilitarian motives. it is hoped people may shift from a course of action focused on performance and utilitarianism into a more poetic attitude. most importantly, noware can be seen as a mechanism to uncover and reveal underlying obsessions within present day societies.

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