The Art-Toy: Sausage Music (1999)

Sausage Music is an experiment. It's both serious and play (like all good experiments). The word-concept "sausage" while silly is the control which all variables refer back to. The variables include human voices, color, a list of sausage names and randomly generated sound bites. Sausage Music is an experimental musical instrument that uses the quirky sounds of varying Japanese and English speakers, gender and ages to allow viewers to play-sample in order to create audio-visual experience. Certainly the amount of control in the experience is limited to the artist's choice and number of variables. However my interest is in how something simple has potential for complexity and fascination.

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Sausage Music is an experiment. It's both serious and play (like all good experiments). The word-concept "sausage" while silly is the control which all variables refer back to. The variables include human voices, color, a list of sausage names and randomly generated sound bites. Sausage Music is an experimental musical instrument that uses the quirky sounds of varying Japanese and English speakers, gender and ages to allow viewers to play-sample in order to create audio-visual experience. Certainly the amount of control in the experience is limited to the artist's choice and number of variables. However my interest is in how something simple has potential for complexity and fascination.

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