no big deal (2003)

On the graphic surface of the “NO-BIG-DEAL” web site the user has the possibility to explore different urban situations. By clicking on different persons she/he can enter a dialogue with some of the people living in this city. They refer to their different experiences in this apparently similar world. This web project deals with the idea of a "global city". It is an attempt to translate the world, which is in an economic sense connected through the same brands, to the internet.

Full Description

On the graphic surface of the “NO-BIG-DEAL” web site the user has the possibility to explore different urban situations. By clicking on different persons she/he can enter a dialogue with some of the people living in this city. They refer to their different experiences in this apparently similar world. This web project deals with the idea of a "global city". It is an attempt to translate the world, which is in an economic sense connected through the same brands, to the internet.

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