Types of Models (2004)

Types of Models is an interactive web piece that lists many of the different types of prefabricated homes that exist in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This is a town that was built as part of the Manhattan Project, so it’s housing had to be manufactured and constructed rapidly. This web project takes many of the different house plans and photos originally used, to create a website that first appears to be purely informational. As the viewer investigates each house plan, individual and personal stories from past residents emerge.

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Types of Models is an interactive web piece that lists many of the different types of prefabricated homes that exist in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This is a town that was built as part of the Manhattan Project, so it’s housing had to be manufactured and constructed rapidly. This web project takes many of the different house plans and photos originally used, to create a website that first appears to be purely informational. As the viewer investigates each house plan, individual and personal stories from past residents emerge.

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