Evolutionary Expressionism (2004)

This work uses the principles of evolution to create a generative moving image. I come from a writing background. For me, digital media--particularly code-based media--has been a doorway out of letter-symbols and into the visual realm. It has also allowed me to enact my thoughts, at least in bits and bytes (I don't say "virtually" on purpose), rather than to merely record them. Does this point to a difference between writing and art: one speculates and the other does? That is not entirely fair, because writing requires thinking, which is also an act. Yet, if that is so, then art is a presence. In this work, I am taking a thought, expressing it and giving it presence, with visual implications that could not be embodied or predicted by the original thought. Isn't that also in some sense the nature of evolution?

This work is a refinement of a more complex ...

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This work uses the principles of evolution to create a generative moving image. I come from a writing background. For me, digital media--particularly code-based media--has been a doorway out of letter-symbols and into the visual realm. It has also allowed me to enact my thoughts, at least in bits and bytes (I don't say "virtually" on purpose), rather than to merely record them. Does this point to a difference between writing and art: one speculates and the other does? That is not entirely fair, because writing requires thinking, which is also an act. Yet, if that is so, then art is a presence. In this work, I am taking a thought, expressing it and giving it presence, with visual implications that could not be embodied or predicted by the original thought. Isn't that also in some sense the nature of evolution?

This work is a refinement of a more complex version with less visual clarity done in Lingo/Shockwave in 2002.

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