"Utop (2004)

"Utopia" digital. Interactive. 2002

Utopia is located between art and action, and its center is the interactivity between the user and the work. Interactivity was used as a metaphor to generate sensations triggered by an elementary principle: impulse and reaction. The user-participant becomes main figure or... an artist-manipulator. It is in fact the contact with the image and the reactions that takes place what constructs the work.

This Utopia is simply trying to prompt a reflection on how digital technologies affect our behavior and our vision of life.

DESCRIPTION Utopia begins with the projection of a static or paralyzed image, it’s the image of a brain, confined in the screen. When the user presses and pushes (drags over the image), the projected image responds, moves, enlarges and looses its original shape. The alterations of the image are unpredicatble, depending on the impulse of each user. The animation of ...

Full Description

"Utopia" digital. Interactive. 2002

Utopia is located between art and action, and its center is the interactivity between the user and the work. Interactivity was used as a metaphor to generate sensations triggered by an elementary principle: impulse and reaction. The user-participant becomes main figure or... an artist-manipulator. It is in fact the contact with the image and the reactions that takes place what constructs the work.

This Utopia is simply trying to prompt a reflection on how digital technologies affect our behavior and our vision of life.

DESCRIPTION Utopia begins with the projection of a static or paralyzed image, it’s the image of a brain, confined in the screen. When the user presses and pushes (drags over the image), the projected image responds, moves, enlarges and looses its original shape. The alterations of the image are unpredicatble, depending on the impulse of each user. The animation of the image is the result of topological transformations that are tied to the movement of the pointer.

When the participant tries to quit and leave the interface, he/she is taken to a different window where he will find a single word, the work's title, and a sign within a sign {...}. When trying to leave this "utopia", a text of Quevedo is visualized: “llamóla Utopía, voz griega cuyo significado es no hay tal lugar”. (“He named it Utopia, Greek source that means nonplace”). From this parenthesis the user goes back to the starting point.

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