Global WARNING! (2002)

"...Located in the entrance of the gallery, Genco Gulan installed his net art work displayed on a laptop computer. On the screen, one could see the view of underwater ruins (the sunken ancient city of Myndos), and placed above it, there was a smaller frame from a web cam from Time Square in New York (London this time). It was the refusal of a reconciliation, the disagreement of today's speed with past's calm stability. From the spectator's point of view, the images from New York (or London) serve to become the ruins that will be underwater in the future...." (by Ozgun Tanglay for NY Arts Magazine)

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"...Located in the entrance of the gallery, Genco Gulan installed his net art work displayed on a laptop computer. On the screen, one could see the view of underwater ruins (the sunken ancient city of Myndos), and placed above it, there was a smaller frame from a web cam from Time Square in New York (London this time). It was the refusal of a reconciliation, the disagreement of today's speed with past's calm stability. From the spectator's point of view, the images from New York (or London) serve to become the ruins that will be underwater in the future...." (by Ozgun Tanglay for NY Arts Magazine)

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