Robot Zombie ()

Sampled photo. Digital print on graphic paper.

At the origin of my pictures there is a photography. Once digitized, I will split up the signs that enable its reading : shapes, texture, colors, shadows… Those elements are then duplicated, moved, piled up on successive layers in a composition where the photo is transmuted into a painting (and the landscape into a portrait), where the symbols which were accelerating the reading are now questioning the understanding.

Full Description

Sampled photo. Digital print on graphic paper.

At the origin of my pictures there is a photography. Once digitized, I will split up the signs that enable its reading : shapes, texture, colors, shadows… Those elements are then duplicated, moved, piled up on successive layers in a composition where the photo is transmuted into a painting (and the landscape into a portrait), where the symbols which were accelerating the reading are now questioning the understanding.

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