Monument du vide (2001)

Inspired by different essays on new geographical and architectural concepts, this work uses the metaphor of the body to flesh out the narrative structure of the network project. Each representation of the Monument du Vide (Monument of Emptiness) develops a different aspect of human nature. The monument takes, in part, the allure and shape of the community that creates it. The artists must work within the structure of their virtual workplaces as well as their physical workplaces. The monument is simultaneously shaped in virtual and physical spaces, and as such opens new fluid, interactive spaces. Monument du Vide is a laboratory that allow all interventionnists to experiment and share their knowledge by testing out approaches that might yield results or techniques to be used for future productions. This project is more than a work of art, it is the field of research done in full view of the public.

Full Description

Inspired by different essays on new geographical and architectural concepts, this work uses the metaphor of the body to flesh out the narrative structure of the network project. Each representation of the Monument du Vide (Monument of Emptiness) develops a different aspect of human nature. The monument takes, in part, the allure and shape of the community that creates it. The artists must work within the structure of their virtual workplaces as well as their physical workplaces. The monument is simultaneously shaped in virtual and physical spaces, and as such opens new fluid, interactive spaces. Monument du Vide is a laboratory that allow all interventionnists to experiment and share their knowledge by testing out approaches that might yield results or techniques to be used for future productions. This project is more than a work of art, it is the field of research done in full view of the public.

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