WordCatcher (2003)

WordCatcher is scanning weblogs (or other textfields) in local or foreign target databases, and applying language-filters on the content. The default language-filter is in swedish, and will filter the fields from the 50K most used words. An output (in this demo: the flash-application 'WC OUT') could be applied on different kind of communities and weblog systems.

The words that will be catched (using the default filter) will be: names, neologisms, misspellings, strange abbreviations, slang-words, and/or other unusual words. In this way the WordCatcher will be capturing the special vocabulary (or spirit) of a defined community.

Full Description

WordCatcher is scanning weblogs (or other textfields) in local or foreign target databases, and applying language-filters on the content. The default language-filter is in swedish, and will filter the fields from the 50K most used words. An output (in this demo: the flash-application 'WC OUT') could be applied on different kind of communities and weblog systems.

The words that will be catched (using the default filter) will be: names, neologisms, misspellings, strange abbreviations, slang-words, and/or other unusual words. In this way the WordCatcher will be capturing the special vocabulary (or spirit) of a defined community.

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