Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls (1996)

I began writing Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls began as a short story in 1995. Thinking about gender in language, I set out to explode woman-as-landscape stereotypes by using over-the-top geological metaphors. I wanted to convey a moment of realization, when a number of ideas come together at once. It mattered little to me what order the ideas came in, only that they came together in the end. I could never decide what order to tell the story in. And I had all these images, and intertextual insertions… Finally in 1996 I made this non-linear HTML version in which every reader can move through the story and come to a realization, or not, in his or her own way. Most of the images and subtexts come from a civil engineering handbook. The deadpan technical descriptions of dikes, groins and mattress work add perverse sexual overtones to the otherwise quite ...

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I began writing Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls began as a short story in 1995. Thinking about gender in language, I set out to explode woman-as-landscape stereotypes by using over-the-top geological metaphors. I wanted to convey a moment of realization, when a number of ideas come together at once. It mattered little to me what order the ideas came in, only that they came together in the end. I could never decide what order to tell the story in. And I had all these images, and intertextual insertions… Finally in 1996 I made this non-linear HTML version in which every reader can move through the story and come to a realization, or not, in his or her own way. Most of the images and subtexts come from a civil engineering handbook. The deadpan technical descriptions of dikes, groins and mattress work add perverse sexual overtones to the otherwise quite chaste first-person narrative. Between the diagrammatic images and the enigmatic texts, a meta-narrative emerges - an entre space - where the absurd and the inarticulate, desire and loss may finally co-exist.

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Artist Statement

I began writing Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls began as a short story in 1995. Thinking about gender in language, I set out to explode woman-as-landscape stereotypes by using over-the-top geological metaphors. I wanted to convey a moment of realization, when a number of ideas come together at once. It mattered little to me what order the ideas came in, only that they came together in the end. I could never decide what order to tell the story in. And I had all these images, and intertextual insertions… Finally in 1996 I made this non-linear HTML version in which every reader can move through the story and come to a realization, or not, in his or her own way. Most of the images and subtexts come from a civil engineering handbook. The deadpan technical descriptions of dikes, groins and mattress work add perverse sexual overtones to the otherwise quite chaste first-person narrative. Between the diagrammatic images and the enigmatic texts, a meta-narrative emerges - an entre space - where the absurd and the inarticulate, desire and loss may finally co-exist.

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