iotualtro (2002)

On the internet, individuality and identity pass into each other in a continous blend of personalities. The idea of this work is to create a sort of multiple identity card between the participants. The becoming of the individual is formed by the constant comparison with the Other's becoming. The creation of a global identity card is thus produced where the individual's and the Other's identity are created through the continous exchange the shaping of new forms of the facial physiognomy. Not only does it conceptually suggest the possibility for a collective identity, but also the identity of the individual as well.

Full Description

On the internet, individuality and identity pass into each other in a continous blend of personalities. The idea of this work is to create a sort of multiple identity card between the participants. The becoming of the individual is formed by the constant comparison with the Other's becoming. The creation of a global identity card is thus produced where the individual's and the Other's identity are created through the continous exchange the shaping of new forms of the facial physiognomy. Not only does it conceptually suggest the possibility for a collective identity, but also the identity of the individual as well.

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