Image recontextualizer (2003)

by Eidolon

The Image recontextualizer "re-contextualizes" user-specified images with other found images in a user-defined search. The image recontextualizer renders a user-inputted image by building a custom context. This context is a collection of images relating to a word which the user specifies. A mosaic is built out of this word-generated context, which can be viewed at different levels of magnification. The Image recontextualizer is an attempt to begin to metaphorize the seperatation of form and content at a slightly lower level than is possible in a classical web page formula. The seperated form and content are given a context, and recombine as an image. The mechanism by which this operates (the object/the process) acts soley as a method of looking.

Full Description

The Image recontextualizer "re-contextualizes" user-specified images with other found images in a user-defined search. The image recontextualizer renders a user-inputted image by building a custom context. This context is a collection of images relating to a word which the user specifies. A mosaic is built out of this word-generated context, which can be viewed at different levels of magnification. The Image recontextualizer is an attempt to begin to metaphorize the seperatation of form and content at a slightly lower level than is possible in a classical web page formula. The seperated form and content are given a context, and recombine as an image. The mechanism by which this operates (the object/the process) acts soley as a method of looking.

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Artist Statement

The Image recontextualizer "re-contextualizes" user-specified images with other found images in a user-defined search. The image recontextualizer renders a user-inputted image by building a custom context. This context is a collection of images relating to a word which the user specifies. A mosaic is built out of this word-generated context, which can be viewed at different levels of magnification. The Image recontextualizer is an attempt to begin to metaphorize the seperatation of form and content at a slightly lower level than is possible in a classical web page formula. The seperated form and content are given a context, and recombine as an image. The mechanism by which this operates (the object/the process) acts soley as a method of looking.

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