Artist Nina Yankowitz and architect Barry Holden - a collaborative originally formed to create installations and public art projects. We have constructed a visual CD portfolio of Imaginary Places that uses technology as blueprints from which to build. Developed now, are a variety of artworks that are based upon challenging accepted scientific and phenomenological principles such as gravity. For example we have designed walls of water that flows upwards, glass floors that are constructed over inverted roof structures, and fountains that are built with freezer elements designed to excrete moisture through condensation. We are currently creating floors that visually shift when triggered by movement, from frosted to clear. While in the clear stage, structural elements are revealed beneath the ground surface and then quickly erased when alternately bombarded with light that obliterates all recognizable perspective. We also work with fiber optic light and holographic dioramas that we set into wall ...

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Artist Nina Yankowitz and architect Barry Holden - a collaborative originally formed to create installations and public art projects. We have constructed a visual CD portfolio of Imaginary Places that uses technology as blueprints from which to build. Developed now, are a variety of artworks that are based upon challenging accepted scientific and phenomenological principles such as gravity. For example we have designed walls of water that flows upwards, glass floors that are constructed over inverted roof structures, and fountains that are built with freezer elements designed to excrete moisture through condensation. We are currently creating floors that visually shift when triggered by movement, from frosted to clear. While in the clear stage, structural elements are revealed beneath the ground surface and then quickly erased when alternately bombarded with light that obliterates all recognizable perspective. We also work with fiber optic light and holographic dioramas that we set into wall or ceiling sites. In addition, we are now fabricating photographic panels that utilize a process of embedding thousands of miniature lenses in order to create the appearance of motion in a static image. Other floors and walls we envision as containers for fish and plant life.

Yankowitz and Holden �2002

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