Nineteen (2003)

Nineteen is a media instrument/interface art with content (image, text, sound) exploring a young man’s motion from dependence to independence. The skill of driving a car functions as a device towards independence and empowerment. The “auto” is an instrument of autonomy as controlled by the “shifting” hand of the user playing the media instrument. The competence of driving imbues the user with a sense of freedom, crossing distance and “the open road,” even as we come upon the constraints of social control that limit our movements.

Full Description

Nineteen is a media instrument/interface art with content (image, text, sound) exploring a young man’s motion from dependence to independence. The skill of driving a car functions as a device towards independence and empowerment. The “auto” is an instrument of autonomy as controlled by the “shifting” hand of the user playing the media instrument. The competence of driving imbues the user with a sense of freedom, crossing distance and “the open road,” even as we come upon the constraints of social control that limit our movements.

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