The effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds (2007)

A post-modern comic book, the Gamma Ray series bridges a gap between contemporary practice and popular taste. The title of this piece [from a 1972 film directed by Paul Newman - of biological changes caused by radiation], led to question what perceptual changes are caused by the spectrum of visible light, how does culture react to environmental change?

I was eight years old when I discovered food coloring. Just imagine red mashed potatoes, green steak and blue carrots. Then learned that colors signify the food's health or toxicity. That all situations have typical norms of color and shade as we see in going to work on a rainy morning or in a romatic sunset. That deviations from these norms indicate a dramatic change in the environment.

There's an adventure in discovering unexpected narratives in the changing platform of everyday norms. Considering global warming, perhaps we should expect some changes in ...

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A post-modern comic book, the Gamma Ray series bridges a gap between contemporary practice and popular taste. The title of this piece [from a 1972 film directed by Paul Newman - of biological changes caused by radiation], led to question what perceptual changes are caused by the spectrum of visible light, how does culture react to environmental change?

I was eight years old when I discovered food coloring. Just imagine red mashed potatoes, green steak and blue carrots. Then learned that colors signify the food's health or toxicity. That all situations have typical norms of color and shade as we see in going to work on a rainy morning or in a romatic sunset. That deviations from these norms indicate a dramatic change in the environment.

There's an adventure in discovering unexpected narratives in the changing platform of everyday norms. Considering global warming, perhaps we should expect some changes in our environment. This project unites mass media and private daydreams, it contains fragments of art history, sociology and science, political turmoil and ecological terror.

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