Iconobloc (2002)

ICONOBLOC is an interactive project, bringing together digital artists from across the globe, to make the world's biggest sculpture.

There are currently over 6000 people from sixty countries involved, and the number is growing by the minute.

The sculpture exists physically in people's homes and offices as individual building blocks, and virtually as a pseudo-conscious, constantly evolving artwork. The sculpture stays in contact with its creator via e-mail, enabling all participants to have real input into the eventual form and mood that the global sculpture will take.

Full Description

ICONOBLOC is an interactive project, bringing together digital artists from across the globe, to make the world's biggest sculpture.

There are currently over 6000 people from sixty countries involved, and the number is growing by the minute.

The sculpture exists physically in people's homes and offices as individual building blocks, and virtually as a pseudo-conscious, constantly evolving artwork. The sculpture stays in contact with its creator via e-mail, enabling all participants to have real input into the eventual form and mood that the global sculpture will take.

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