First Rice (2002)

Shamanic ritual, like the Japanese Shinto ceremony performed in "First Rice", is designed to transform and heal. Fire, steam, stone, paper, rice are not representational pieces of a narrative; they are tools that act on the body and it is the body, receptive to sound and image, that generates its own narratives toward renewed energy, community, healing.

Of course, this is my own reading, one of an outsider with a camera. But it comes with finding these recordings (captured in Japan fifteen years ago) and placing them into a multi-linear, interactive environment. There is no narrative chart (other than the linear flow of the ritual itself). Arrangements of image, sound and their linkages are based on finding correspondences

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Shamanic ritual, like the Japanese Shinto ceremony performed in "First Rice", is designed to transform and heal. Fire, steam, stone, paper, rice are not representational pieces of a narrative; they are tools that act on the body and it is the body, receptive to sound and image, that generates its own narratives toward renewed energy, community, healing.

Of course, this is my own reading, one of an outsider with a camera. But it comes with finding these recordings (captured in Japan fifteen years ago) and placing them into a multi-linear, interactive environment. There is no narrative chart (other than the linear flow of the ritual itself). Arrangements of image, sound and their linkages are based on finding correspondences

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