James Earl Jonestown (2002)

This midi song was randomly generated from the RGB pixel values contained in two images. The first image is of James Earl Jones, the second is of Jonestown.

The idea to make randomly generated music came about for three reasons:

1) I don't know what the music will sound like until its made.

2) I have virtually no comprehension of music theory.

3) I tried to collaborate with other people on music through the internet. It did not work very well, so I thought maybe people could collaborate with me by emailing random images for making music.

Full Description

This midi song was randomly generated from the RGB pixel values contained in two images. The first image is of James Earl Jones, the second is of Jonestown.

The idea to make randomly generated music came about for three reasons:

1) I don't know what the music will sound like until its made.

2) I have virtually no comprehension of music theory.

3) I tried to collaborate with other people on music through the internet. It did not work very well, so I thought maybe people could collaborate with me by emailing random images for making music.

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