Telephone Etude #1: Shakespeare Cuisinart (2002)

Telephone Etude #1: Shakespeare Cuisinart is a virtual installation, accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week over the telephone. Callers are asked to say their favorite short quotation from a Shakespeare play or poem. Moments later, they hear a short piece of music generated from slicing, dicing, and layering their voice. Callers may also later visit the Shakespeare Cuisinart web site to download their musical creations to disk or e-mail them to friends.

I have been fascinated with the idea of 'virtual installations

Full Description

Telephone Etude #1: Shakespeare Cuisinart is a virtual installation, accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week over the telephone. Callers are asked to say their favorite short quotation from a Shakespeare play or poem. Moments later, they hear a short piece of music generated from slicing, dicing, and layering their voice. Callers may also later visit the Shakespeare Cuisinart web site to download their musical creations to disk or e-mail them to friends.

I have been fascinated with the idea of 'virtual installations

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