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  • Paul Chan: Baghdad In No Particular Order- From Heart As Arena, this video essay by Paul Chan chronicles daily life in Baghdad before the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

  • OUT NOW!- Organized by Anton Vidokle, OUT NOW! is an exhibition and several lectures on the occupation of Iraq. "The questions involved in mounting a political art exhibition are extremely complex. In the past I've been skeptical of such direct forms of political expression, primarily due to the instrumentalizing effect they have on artistic production. And yet I have been extremely disconcerted by the near total lack of involvement or discussion of this subject by art institutions here in the only country capable of ending the occupation of Iraq...[OUT NOW!] is less of a curated exhibition than an attempt to explore possibilities for a sympathetic cultural backdrop for urgent action and discussion toward ending this war."

  • Buckminster Fuller Symposium- In conjunction with the Buckminster Fuller exhibition "Starting With the Universe," the Whitney, the Architectural League, and Cooper Union will sponsor a symposium which examines the continuation of Fuller's ideas within the work of contemporary scholars and practitioners.

  • One Hundred $1 Grants- Unique opportunity from ASDF: ASDF is offering One Hundred $1 Grants. All selected projects will be available in a downloadable exhibition in February 2009. Anyone is eligible. There are no restrictions on proposed projects. All forms of creative activity are encouraged. Money can be used for cost of production or for monetary compensation.