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  • ARTIST TALK: Wednesday, September 17, 7PM Jane Philbrick in conversation with MASS MoCA curator Denise Markonish- Jane Philbrick will discuss her installation PULL, which explores themes of security, fear and war, tonight at Location One.

  • mediateletipos Ars Electronica 2008 (Vimeo)- mediateletipos posted a selection of short videos documenting this year's Ars Electronica. Check the album for clips of Optical Tone by Tsutomu Mutoh, INSIDE / OUT by Ivan Marusic Klif, the European Sound Delta, and many more.

  • View Basket: Art Bought Online at the Hayward Project Space- "A range of images and objects have been selected by Hayward Curatorial Associate Tom Morton and purchased from the auction site over a two-week period in August 2008. The chosen pieces reflect Britain's 'hidden' art - works that have occupied people's homes rather than the public space of a gallery, offered for sale through the democratic marketplace of the internet...An ever-expanding selection of works fill the gallery as new items arrive during the run of the exhibition, reflecting the project's open-ended nature."