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  • Deliver at BAM Wednesday 7pm- Migrating Forms presents the film Deliver at BAM. "In this all-female video remake of Deliverance, a cast of experimental filmmakers/academics (Peggy Ahwesh, Su Friedrich, Jacqueline Goss, Meredith Root and Montgomery) play mirages of themselves -- urban artists looking to unplug in the unspoiled wilderness."

  • Performing machines at Eyebeam Tues., Oct. 21, 6 - 8.30PM- "A public critique and discussion of instrumental hacks (i.e., customized technologies made into musical instruments), in conjunction with Eyebeam's Untethered exhibition."

  • ISEA 2009 CALL FOR Artworks and Art Projects, Papers, Workshops, Open Spaces and more - ACROSS EIGHT SUB-THEMES- "Abstracts for papers and descriptors of artworks / projects, panels and workshops etc. are sought for ISEA 2009 that will illuminate both the near and long term Future of Digital Media Culture. Deadline November 17, 2008"