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  • Art for Obama- Online art auction benefiting Obama's campaign. Harrell Fletcher, Peter Sutherland, Uta Barth, Andrea Fraser, Wolfgang Tillmans, and many more...

  • BumpList- Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Mike Bennett's project BumpList: An Email Community for the Determined is back online after a 4 year hiatus. BumpList was relaunched as part of an exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) titled "The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now" (running November 8, 2008, through February 8, 2009) which will showcase a wide range of contemporary artists that integrate forms of participation into their practice.

  • Synesthesia and Cross-Modality in Contemporary Audiovisuals- Essay by Mitchell Whitelaw. "Though written about a year ago, this essay has just been published in Senses and Society. It's related to the Synchresis project posted earlier but makes a more rigorous investigation of synaesthesia, as it is (so often) applied to fused or algorithmic audiovisuals. After a quick tour through the history of synaesthesia in the arts, it uses some nifty perceptual neuroscience to argue for an alternative model, of contemporary audiovisuals as cross-modal objects that reveal the space of relation between modalities - the map. It takes work by Andrew Gadow (below) and Robin Fox as case studies, but also touches on Oskar Fischinger, Robert Hodgin, Norman McLaren and others."