Tactical Media Files Archive Now Online

While it may not be perfect, De Balie's nascent online archive of tactical media Tactical Media Files is an ambitious start. Dubbed a "living archive", the creators hope that the archive will not only document past projects, but also become a clearinghouse for information related to current and future events. Live for almost 2 weeks now, they're clearly still working out some of the kinks -- the "related videos" section appears to be blank for all the videos, many of the videos seem to be lacking short descriptions, etc. -- but hopefully they will sort these issues out soon. At its current stage, the extensive "texts" section is, perhaps, the strongest aspect of the archive, with essays and writing by Critical Art Ensemble, Alessandro Ludovico, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, and many others. Much of the material on the site was produced for the Amsterdam tactical media festival Next Five Minutes, which occurred annually from 1993-2003.

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