2nd Inclusiva-net Meeting: Projects developed during the workshop


Short summary of selected proposals to be developed in a collaborative way during the workshop directed by Juan MartiĀ­n Prada.

Una Ciudad Mejor (1CM) / A Better City
By Flavio Escribano & Ana G. Angulo
Una ciudad mejor (A Better City) is an online application, based on social network (or Web 2.0) methods, protocols, standards, and services (Google Maps' API), to stimulate democratic participation in the configuration of cities, by making it possible for citizens to communicate incidents, inconveniences, and urban problems of all kinds that arise in their daily lives.

Security vs. Liberty: Hobbes vs. Locke, the debate continues...
By Miguel Angel Lastra Cobo
This project will map out the security cameras installed on the streets of Madrid, and then suggest a game: Can you get from one part of the city to another, without being recorded on any of the cameras?


For a full list of proposals for Inclusiva-net's's workshop on "digital networks and physical space", visit the website. A program sponsored by Medialab Prado, Inclusiva-net is "a platform dedicated to the research, documentation, and circulation of network culture theory". They are currently seeking collaborators in order to realize these projects. For more information, visit the post in Rhizome's Opportunities section.

Originally posted on inclusiva-net by Rhizome