Art-for-Cash Scheme

Turn those dusty works in progress into fast cash! 'No gallery necessary' promises the latest project from New York's E-Flux (Electronic Flux Corporation). In what could end up being a parody of a faltering art market this fall, the online information service for visual arts institutions known for its widely-read email announcements is poised to open a storefront pawnshop to buy and sell art on Manhattan's Lower East Side. Beginning October 1st, the E-Flux PAWNSHOP will pay cash for works purchased from the public, and then on November 1st, the wares selected will go on sale alongside a reserve of work by internationally-known artists, including Francois Bucher, Aleksandra Mir, Lawrence Weiner, and Andrea Zittel. In true pawnshop fashion, the storefront will also offer faxes, xerox copies, internet access, phonecards, check cashing, and passport photos. Thanks to their portability, painting and other traditional media will most likely represent the majority of hawked possessions crossing the counter, but consider that a challenge to present work made in electronic or digital media for scrutiny and possibly a quick wad of cash.