A Minute Magazine

Aminima is a Spanish new media magazine addressing the work of artists and researchers interested in the relations between science, technology, art, and culture. Since 2004 it has been publishing articles on art and biology, transgenic art, robotics, software-art, nanotech, net art, network research, and social aspects of new technologies. Recently-released Issue 16 is dedicated to computer games. In it, Laura Baigorri provides the theoretical background that frames the contributions. Departing from the popular notion of reverse engineering, she discusses art's use of computer games to subvert and make a parody of preconceived ethics and aesthetics. Following this line of thought, several different game projects are presented. Perhaps most interesting among them is SweetPad, French Cadet's new USB interface controller allowing three people to play Quake 3 Arena. The joysticks are replaced by the SweetPad device, which players caress slowly and strike delicately in order to move and shoot opponents. Alongside project reviews, various artists are interviewed, including Cory Arcangel, who speaks about his interest in computer games and their larger cultural value. All of this, and more, fits into the 200 pages of this tiny magazine. - Luis Silva