Meet Her On the Moon and 21st Street

One of the most significant electronic musicians to emerge from the postwar era, Pauline Oliveros is known for meditative compositions that are inspired by the inner sounds and psychic states of the life (or in some cases inanimate objects) around her--a process she calls Deep Listening. To put it another way: some people ruminate on existential states; she mics them. And she also broadcasts them in diverse ways: around the world, across the dial, through the Internet, and even, via satellite, to the moon. On January 26th, she will perform at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center with Brown University's Meme Improvisation Group (MIG) and the Tintinabulate Ensemble, a group of improv musicians she founded at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's I-Ear center, where she currently teaches. Unlike your average rock show, at which the band might only achieve harmony after several rounds of Guinness, Tintinabulate Ensemble performances coalesce spontaneously through the 'intuition, play, and sympathetic resonance' of the artists. Previously, MIG and the Ensemble have engaged in two Distance Performances, playing together remotely through the Internet. Hosted by the Upgrade!, this event brings them together for their first, live and in-person performance. While broadcast out of Eyebeam's 21st street headquarters in New York, their collaboration--under Oliveros's guidance-- will surely call upon more subliminal areas and perhaps unearthly ones as well. - Lauren Cornell