RFID Popularity Contest

Even if everything in a gallery is there to be looked at, some works tend to gather more eyes. A new project, called 'Attention Please!' is the vehicle for artist Sara Smith's research into how audiences engage with works of art, and how technology might shift these personal practices. Together with tech partner Kisky Netmedia, Smith has established an 'attention seeking video installation,' in which gallery-goers can swipe an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) card to express interest in a video. When one video becomes most popular, the others exhibit jealous behavior, in hopes of stealing attention from their co-competitors. The project is funded by Liverpool's FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), who has a special initiative to support the development of exhibition technologies. 'Attention Please!' will be on view there, on May 3rd and 4th, but in the mean time the group is putting out a call for active participants. If you're in the area, you too can swipe in support of your attention span, putting your consumption on display. - Marisa Olson