Digital in the Heart of Texas

If you're a fan of video art, live music, or new media performance, Texas is the place to be this week. From April 19-23, The Aurora Picture Show will present their annual Software Cinema festival at venues throughout Houston. The theme of this year's fest is 'Media Archeology,' and it offers a treasure trove of artists, including (in order of appearance) the a/v-jam collective Share, Tommy Becker, Rick Silva, Golan Levin, Sue Costabile, Scott Arford, Tree Wave, Lovid, Yacht, Nate Boyce, My Robot Friend, and Madeline Minx. Billed as a program of 'improvised, interactive, and multimedia performances,' the events will provide introductions to some of the most engaging new media artists practicing in the US. Whether through employment of the super high tech, nostalgically low-tech, or simply everyday materials, each performance will trace the ubiquity of software in our daily lives and in our modes of making and accessing contemporary art. Rhizome's Lauren Cornell and Marisa Olson join artist/producer Nick Hallett as the guest-curators of this year's festival. We look forward to heading south for this lively convergence of innovative and entertaining artists, and to the possibility of meeting a few Rhizome News readers! -